On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 9:53 PM, Marky Yehezkiel (SNC)
<ma...@satnetcom.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Is there any way to logging/record the activity pop3,IMAP when they deleted
> email via IMAP and POP3 ( outlook deleted email when outlook download it
> from server)
> I have problem when my customer he lost his email on my server he said he
> didn’t deleted his email, he set his outlook ‘leave copy on server’ without
> set when it will be removed from server, but old his email were gone.
> Anyone can help? Thank you

This is not a postfix issue.  You might have better luck asking on a
list for the pop server software you are using.
Without knowing what pop server software you use, it is difficult to
guess what the logs might contain.
However, many pop server do log the number of messages deleted in a
given transaction.

Good luck

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