On 24/05/24 21:32, Matus UHLAR - fantomas via Postfix-users wrote:
On 24.05.24 12:00, Peter via Postfix-users wrote:
And the OP is referring to SASL AUTH attacks which are for submission, not MX connections.

But some of those log lines mention postfix/smtpd, which means they happen on port 25.

Right, which is why it was recommended that he disable auth on port 25. Never mind, we're going around in circles here.

While one usually has SASL disabled on port 25, some networks may require it because of backwards compatibility.

I think that's becoming increasingly rare.

I have solved this issue by forwarding port 25 from external networks to local port 1025 (or any other), where I run postscreen, dnsbls and per-queue spam/virus filters.

You can also bind smtpd to a specific IP in master.cf for port 25 submission if you need that.

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