On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 at 16:14, Noel Jones via Postfix-users <
postfix-users@postfix.org> wrote:

> If you need permit_mx_backup, that means postfix doesn't have a
> clear idea of domains it is responsible for.
> Please read and study:
> http://www.postfix.org/BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README.html
> mydestination should contain domains that are delivered locally by
> postfix on the same machine.
> relay_domains should contain a list of all domains that are passed
> further downstream for final delivery outside of "this" postfix,
> such as to another process on the same server, or to a different server.
> It shouldn't be that hard to tell postfix what domains it is
> responsible for.
Apologies - I've confused the conversation with my question about

The server has been working with its present configuration using
permit_mx_backup for almost a decade (and keeping out of RBLs, etc. in that
time). I don't doubt there are some suboptimal things going on in the
configs, but I'd rather not tinker with them.

What I understand is that in my proposed *new* (and untested, hence my
posting here) configuration https://pastebin.com/2X8gqVVq -
permit_mx_backup isn't going to be needed.

Further, I think I should look at de-duplicating the smtpd configs in
master.cf as suggested, and also look at using postscreen.

That said, I think I'll enlist some professional help in all this, as
debugging the details on the mailing list seems rather more tricky than I'd
expected :-)
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