I'm not sure if you can on your hardware, but some of my most effective countermeasures are ehlo/helo checking for hostname does not contain a ".". This can cause a very small amount of false positives so please do check your logs first.

Second is greylisting.

Third is checking if the ehlo/helo ip is in my range of ip's.

Sorry about the top post, I'm on a mobile that does not give a lot of flexibility in that regard.
Iphone says hello.

On Apr 26, 2009, at 3:19 PM, deconya <elmailperso...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi list

Im with the next problem: I have and old server and Im in process to migrate to a better machine, but actually Im having spam attacks in the server than saturate it. For the age of the server and because in two weeks is replaced I can't install any program like spamity or similar to help to detect spam attacks, but I need to understand the mail.log to deduce the Ips where comes the attacks and stop it. Any people can help me what clues can help me to deduce this Ips?

Actually Im using blacklists but nots detects this attacks. Any other option to create estadistics using external programs?

Thanks && Best regards

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