Carlos Williams wrote, at 05/19/2009 02:04 PM:
> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Just E. Mail <> 
> wrote:
>> Thank you all.
>> I am going with roundcube:
> It's really eacy to install. Main thing is making sure you have PHP
> 5.2+ installed on Apache and also configuring your MySQL database
> which is super easy if you follow the wiki.
> I did this on RHEL / CentOS and it worked great! If you need any more
> assistance, please let me know. There are a few things I wish I had
> known before it went live that I know now. I don't know
> your environment so if you need more info, please let me know!
> PS - They had a great forums but its down now for some reason. Their
> support forums is re-directed to some crazy Pokemon type page...

I routinely block attack probes aimed at Roundcube. These have been
active daily since January. I'm not concerned, because I don't use
Roundcube and I am not intending to malign it here. But I recommend that
you take a close look at its security history in light of these recent
attacks, and see if there has been an adequate response. As with all
applications, especially public facing ones, be sure to keep abreast of
all security updates.

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