Thank You for Your time and answer, Sahil:

> > Well. Is there a mechanism that allows me to whitelist a domain so
> > that all farther actions are not taken?  
> Depends on which action you want to prevent.

I do not know which action I want to prevent. :)
I just want that a letter that comes from the matching host will be
simply delivered to its recipient. 

> Show relevant logging.  If it is indeed amavisd-new where the mail is

For now I can not show the logging - as they have ceased to send us
email, if we are unable to receive it. If farther email arrives I will
post its logging here.

But for now, to prevent such a situation in the future w/ some other
host, may, could You share which steps are undertaken to deliver email
from such problematic (not possible to check a host name) hosts?

Are the steps I have undertaken in previous posts enough for that, or I
miss something and have to dig the problem any farther? If yes, then
what are the missing steps?

> rejected (or quarantined for having spammy qualities), then you
> probably need to route mail from through a separate 'policy
> bank' within amavisd-new where spam checks are perhaps disabled.

Not spamassassin?

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