Truth Seeker schrieb:
> Any response for this queries is really appreciated!!!
> --- On Wed, 6/10/09, Truth Seeker <> wrote:
>> From: Truth Seeker <>
>> Subject: Spamassasin in Postfix Server
>> To:
>> Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 11:54 AM
>> Dear Pros.
>> The following is my setup
>> H.O
>>  ^
>>  | 
>>  |
>> point
>>  to
>> point 
>>  |
>>  |
>> Postfix    <---> Firewall <--->
>> External Mail Hosting
>> Mail Server  
>> Postfix Mail Server (postfix-2.3.3-2) on CentOS 5.2;
>> a. receives mails from local client via outlook and send to
>> out side (internet) directly
>> b. receives through fetchmail program, which fetches from
>> External mail hosting
>> d. smtpd_recipient_restrictions is working for both
>> internal and external mails (fetchmail).
>> e. average 3500 mails are processed per day in mail server
>> (send+receive) and the total volume is average 3.2 GB (2.8
>> GB min and max 3.6 GB)
>> As our mails from H.O is getting delayed through fetchmail
>> (more than 100 users), i was thinking to re route the
>> messages from H.O to this branch office through our point to
>> point link. So in this case my doubts are;
>> 1. in this case, i need to configure spamassasin on the
>> Postfix Mail Server right??? instead of simply leaving it
>> like this.
>> 2. I found so many links which explains configuring
>> spamassasin on Postfix server, but many of them are going in
>> diff ways with diff versions and distributions. can u please
>> suggest me a most suitable link for my requirement.
>> 3. Do i need to take any other precaution for my postfix
>> server (as 60 - 70 % of mails to this branch is from Head
>> Office) while i starting to recieve it through point-point
>> (there is no firewall in this connection)
>> 4. do i need to put an additional smtp server with
>> spamassasin to receive mail through point-point for a better
>> secure and stable environment.
>> 5. does this spam assasin will effect my
>> smtpd_recipient_restrictions which is currently working fine
>> on my postfix server
>> Thanking you people in advance...
>> -
>> --
>> ---
>> Always try to find truth!!!

i am not sure about what your mail setup really means
it doesnt not look right to me
but that maybe a understanding problem

why not simply use getmail
with spamassassin on your internal mailserver
very easy to setup

if you can configure your outside mailserver
using clamav with sanesecurity sigs
and rbls as well as other postfix antispam features
should do the job fine, do not use catch alls there,
always have a valid recipient list
you may bypass outbound virus scanning for internal mailservers ip or
sasl user ( recommended )

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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