Stefan Palme wrote:
On Fri, 2009-06-12 at 12:41 -0500, Noel Jones wrote:
A QUEUEID is created when the number of accepted recipients for a message is greater than zero.

In the case of a multi-recipient message where some recipients are accepted and some rejected, recipients before the first accepted recipient will have NOQUEUEID, after that a QUEUEID will be listed.

A message may be rejected by smtpd_{data, end-of-data}_restrictions, in which case a QUEUEID will have already been created.

Ok, to be sure, if I have understood all this correctly: whenever the smtpd server sees a "RCPT TO" in the SMTP protocol, all the smtpd_recipient_restrictions will be applied. After the first "valid" recipient a QUEUEID is
created (which will be used in the logs for this and all
subsequent valid and invalid "RCPT TO" recipients).

Because a "DATA" command is only allowed when there has
been at least one valid recipient, all log messages
regarding invalid DATA / END-OF-DATA restrictions will contain a QUEUEID (!="NOQUEUE").


Thanks and regards


  -- Noel Jones

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