On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 11:54:07AM -0500, /dev/rob0 wrote:

> On Tue June 23 2009 06:32:26 Ji???? Hlinka wrote:
> > Define secodnary MX record for the secondary MDA is one of a
> > posiibilities
> >
> > :-), but i still hope there is simpler solution, something like
> > : adding
> >
> > another IP (the IP of secondary MDA) on each line of transport_maps
> > :-).
> >
> > Im little bit afraid of MX record solution (although it is probably
> > the "cleanest" way), because im dont know how much i have to change
> > my postfix configuration.
> With proper MX records in your own DNS, you don't even need to maintain 
> the transport_maps. The sloppy way is to use your MX lookup in the 
> existing transport_maps :
> example.com           smtp:example.com.your.domain
> example.net           smtp:example.net.your.domain
> example.com.your.domain.      MX      10 primary.mda.your.domain.
> example.com.your.domain.      MX      20 secondary.mda.your.domain.
> example.net.your.domain.      MX      10 primary.mda.your.domain.
> example.net.your.domain.      MX      20 secondary.mda.your.domain.
> The clean way is to configure your resolver to look at your own DNS 
> first, before external queries, then do away with transport_maps 
> altogether:
> example.com.                  MX      10 primary.mda.your.domain.
> example.com.                  MX      20 secondary.mda.your.domain.
> example.net.                  MX      10 primary.mda.your.domain.
> example.net.                  MX      20 secondary.mda.your.domain.

With BIND at least, it is not possible to place out-of-scope records
in a zone file. One needs to claim the whole zone, which masks other
records in the entire tree below that domain.

This is not generally a good idea. I recommend using the "localhost"
zone (or the "invalid" zone) for custom MX records. As in the "your.domain"
example, but with "localhost" for "your.domain".


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