Alban Deniz:
> > Postfix receives the "add header" request when it reports a "mail
> > from" command to the Milter.
> I'm not sure I understand--Doesn't postfix report a "mail from" command to the
> Milter by invoking the xxfi_envfrom callback?  As I understand it, that isn't 
> the end-of-message protocol stage.

Postfix reports SMFIC_MAIL to the Milter, and the libmilter library
then is expected to invoke the xxfi_envfrom application callback.

Postfix then receives SMFIR_ADDHEADER as reply.

Perhaps Postfix and libmilter got out of sync; for example,
multiple email messages were sent over the same connection,
and the SMFIR_ADDHEADER was really a reply for a previous

> Thanks.  I'll turn on verbose logging.  Is there any document I need to refer 
> to in order to understand the verbose logging messages?

The logging shows the SMFIC_<MUMBLE> constants that correspond to
different stages of the SMTP protocol, and the SMFIR_<MUMBLE>
constants that correspond to the responses that Postfix receives
from the libmilter library. The constants are defined in files
under /usr/include/libmilter. There is no formal documentation of
Postfix verbose logging output.


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