Magnus Bäck wrote:

Anyway is a NXdomain. So maybe postfix
tries to look up the name it got from the PTR.

reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname only checks that the PTR
lookups succeeds, it doesn't care about the lookup result like
reject_unknown_client_hostname does.

Sure? The error message
Jul 12 09:12:48 rap postfix/smtpd[6597]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
unknown[]: 450 4.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find
your reverse hostname , [];
from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP

"cannot find your reverse hostname" sounds different to me.

And the documentation does not say that it does not care about the lookup result:
Reject the request when the client IP address has no address->name mapping. This is a weaker restriction than the reject_unknown_client_hostname feature, which requires not only that the address->name and name->address mappings exist, but also that the two mappings reproduce the client IP address."

Hope this helps,


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