Tim Legg a écrit :
> Hello,
> Now that I have my local mail set up, I can let my domain name come up
> from hiding.
> When I run:
> # hostname -f
> genex.timothylegg.com
> and
> # dig timothylegg.com MX
> ;timothylegg.com.             IN      MX
> timothylegg.com.      9220    IN      MX      10 mail.timothylegg.com.

$ host mail.timothylegg.com
mail.timothylegg.com is an alias for timothylegg.com.

the MX must not be a CNAME. add

mail.timothylegg.com.   A

to your zone and remove the corresponding CNAME line.

> My hostname is genex.timothylegg.com 

$ host genex.timothylegg.com
Host genex.timothylegg.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

> on my machine and my MX record points
> to mail.timothylegg.com
> I was wondering if the MX record should point to the same name as my
> hostname. 

no. a single host can handle mail for many domains, and a single domain
can have multiple MXes.

> [snip]

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