On Jul 14, 2009, at 15:32, Scott Haneda wrote:

On Jul 14, 2009, at 12:06 PM, Tim Legg wrote:

timothylegg.com.        9220    IN      MX      10 mail.timothylegg.com.

My hostname is genex.timothylegg.com on my machine and my MX record points
to mail.timothylegg.com

I was wondering if the MX record should point to the same name as my
hostname. Obviously, this isn't too big of a problem, since my mail works after all. I don't know if this something that I should have corrected or
if is it standard as it is?

The MX should point to an A record that resolves to the IP address that postfix listens on. I believe that is the only requirement. My postfix server will use the hostname of the ehlo/helo in a transaction, which is not the same as my MX, and has never caused me any trouble.

I believe your setup is perfectly reasonable, and should work fine.

My server runs on a dynamic IP address on a cable modem, and I use dyndns.org to get to it from remote. The machine's hostname matches the name in the MX record, but the host record in DNS is a CNAME record, not an A record. The CNAME points to a dyndns.org hostname, which does have an A record (which is updated by a dyndns client running on my server). I have run things this way for a long while with no issue. "A long while" is: years on sendmail, and months on postfix.


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