On Thu, 2009-07-30 at 22:45 -0500, Noel Jones wrote:
> Jeff Grossman wrote:

> > have seen articles about exporting the Exchange users via LDAP and putting
> > them in an access map file on the Postfix server, but I am not a big fan of
> > that.  I would prefer to just query the Exchange server directly for valid
> > addresses.
> OK, your choice.

Ehlo and sorry to high jack a little here {hence subjective change}, but
some thing has crossed my mind along these lines with multiple exchange
servers using active directory.

Perhaps someone has, say, 10 different domains and uses Postfix as a
common incoming gateway. From a look cursory I see there exists a ldap
map system.

Would this allow each domain to define a different LDAP server to query?
Perhaps to be clear;

... repeat to fade ...

Can this be achieved and is there some further reading I can do this
weekend whilst I sip champagne in the sun ?
C Werclick .Lot
Technical incompetent
Loyal Order Of The Teapot.

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