On Thursday 10 September 2009 18:46:25 Sukh Khehra wrote:
> I am installing postfix on a box where all users don't necessarily
> have a home directory.

Sounds odd, almost like a case for virtual(8), although even virtual
users should have a $HOME.

> Anyone know of a way to configure "home_mailbox" to an absolute
> path(with username var) so every user's mailbox directory 
> resides under one top level directory?

home_mailbox is a path relative to $HOME, as you seem to have
discovered. Next time, postconf.5.html#home_mailbox might expedite

> Something like "/var/spool/mail/$USER/", e.g.

Perhaps you want postconf.5.html#mail_spool_directory ? Note, for
local(8) delivery, this directory would probably need mode 1777. I
prefer maildirs under $HOME, personally.

See also local.8.html (prefix these all with your own html_directory,
or use the online copies at www.postfix.org.)
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