Hi all,

Postfix 2.5.5 on Debian Lenny. I'm able to do LDAP lookups (to Active
Directory) and get the response I expect, but I don't understand why
mail is still bouncing with 'Unknown user' after the SMTP RCPT TO is
given the OK.

ccimap:/etc/postfix# postconf -n
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf
append_dot_mydomain = no
biff = no
config_directory = /etc/postfix
home_mailbox = Maildir/
inet_interfaces = all
mailbox_size_limit = 0
mydestination = ccimap.laterooms.com, ccimap.ad.laterooms.com,
localhost.laterooms.com, localhost, laterooms.com
myhostname = ccimap.ad.laterooms.com
mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
myorigin = /etc/mailname
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
recipient_delimiter = +
smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Debian/GNU)

ccimap:/etc/postfix# more ldap-aliases.cf 
server_host = ad.laterooms.com
search_base = dc=ad,dc=laterooms,dc=com
query_filter = (mail=%s)
result_attribute = samaccountname
result_format = %...@ccimap.ad.laterooms.com
bind_dn = cn=postpathadmin,cn=Users,dc=ad,dc=laterooms,dc=com
version = 3

ccimap:/etc/postfix# postalias -q  elvira.i...@laterooms.com

So, the email address is being successfully translated to username
'eilli' on the local box. This user exists (via winbind lookup) :

ccimap:/etc/postfix# getent passwd eilli

ccimap:/etc/postfix# ls -l /home/AD/eilli/Maildir/
drwx------ 2 eilli domain users 4096 2009-09-13 02:16 cur
drwx------ 2 eilli domain users 4096 2009-09-13 02:40 new
drwx------ 2 eilli domain users 4096 2009-09-13 02:40 tmp

Yet if I send email to elvira, it's accepted at the SMTP level:

220 ccimap.ad.laterooms.com ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)
helo me
250 ccimap.ad.laterooms.com
mail from:<>
250 2.1.0 Ok
rcpt to:<elvira.i...@laterooms.com>
250 2.1.5 Ok
354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as EE79B2F190
221 2.0.0 Bye
Connection closed by foreign host.

but in the end, the mail bounces:

Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: dict_proxy_lookup:
table=unix:passwd.byname flags=lock|fold_fix
key=elvira.i...@laterooms.com -> status=1 result=
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: dict_ldap_lookup: In
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: dict_ldap_lookup: No
existing connection for LDAP source /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf,
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: dict_ldap_connect:
Connecting to server ldap://ad.laterooms.com:389
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: dict_ldap_connect: Actual
Protocol version used is 3.
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: dict_ldap_connect: Binding
to server ldap://ad.laterooms.com:389 as dn
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: dict_ldap_connect:
Successful bind to server ldap://ad.laterooms.com:389 as
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: dict_ldap_connect: Cached
connection handle for LDAP source /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]:
dict_ldap_lookup: /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf: Searching with filter
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: dict_ldap_get_values[1]:
Search found 1 match(es)
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: dict_ldap_get_values[1]:
search returned 1 value(s) for requested result attribute sAMAccountName
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: dict_ldap_get_values[1]:
Leaving dict_ldap_get_values
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: dict_ldap_lookup: Search
returned ei...@ccimap.ad.laterooms.com
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: maps_find:
local_recipient_maps: ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf(0,lock|
fold_fix): elvira.i...@laterooms.com = ei...@ccimap.ad.laterooms.com
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: mail_addr_find:
elvira.i...@laterooms.com -> ei...@ccimap.ad.laterooms.com
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: smtpd_check_rewrite:
trying: permit_inet_interfaces
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: permit_inet_interfaces:
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: before
input_transp_cleanup: cleanup flags = enable_header_body_filter
enable_automatic_bcc enable_address_mapping enable_milters
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: after input_transp_cleanup:
cleanup flags = enable_header_body_filter enable_automatic_bcc
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: connect to subsystem
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: public/cleanup socket:
wanted attribute: queue_id
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: input attribute name:
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: input attribute value:
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: public/cleanup socket:
wanted attribute: (list terminator)
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: input attribute name: (end)
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: send attr flags = 178
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: EE79B2F190:
Sep 13 03:12:16 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: > localhost[]: 250
2.1.5 Ok
Sep 13 03:12:18 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: < localhost[]:
Sep 13 03:12:18 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: > localhost[]: 354
End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/cleanup[18468]: EE79B2F190:
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/qmgr[18447]: EE79B2F190: from=<>,
size=346, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: public/cleanup socket:
wanted attribute: status
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: input attribute name:
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: input attribute value: 0
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: public/cleanup socket:
wanted attribute: reason
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: input attribute name:
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: input attribute value:
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: public/cleanup socket:
wanted attribute: (list terminator)
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: input attribute name: (end)
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: > localhost[]: 250
2.0.0 Ok: queued as EE79B2F190
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/local[18469]: EE79B2F190:
to=<elvira.i...@laterooms.com>, relay=local, delay=9.6,
delays=9.5/0.03/0/0.06, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (unknown user:
Sep 13 03:12:19 ccimap postfix/qmgr[18447]: EE79B2F190: removed
Sep 13 03:12:20 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: < localhost[]:
Sep 13 03:12:20 ccimap postfix/smtpd[18465]: > localhost[]: 221
2.0.0 Bye

It's quite true that 'elvira.illi' is not a local user, but why is
Postfix not using 'ei...@ad.laterooms.com' which is successfully looked
up only moments before? 

Sending mail via telnet 25 to ei...@ad.laterooms.com works fine - the
message immediately appears in /home/AD/eilli/Maildir/new/

I must have made a fundamental error / misunderstanding but I can't see
it - can someone point me in the right direction, please?


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