Jakob Lenfers put forth on 9/30/2009 10:00 AM:
> Stan Hoeppner schrieb:
>> Jakob Lenfers put forth on 9/30/2009 5:43 AM:
>>> Stan Hoeppner schrieb:
>>>> "ldapsource_server_host"
>>>> http://www.postfix.org/ldap_table.5.html
>>> That helped in some way, thanks... I put the statements into the main.cf
>>> as described, but now I'm still curious what I did wrong...
>> So, is it querying the remote LDAP server correctly now?  If so, you're
>> welcome, and I'm glad it's working for you.
> It did (Thanks, really :)), but I'm quite puzzled why I cannot define it
> in an external file. This method is only there for compatibility, so it
> will vanish someday...

I don't think this will vanish any time soon.  All you've done is move
your config declarations from an external file into main.cf.  Postfix
parses all the config files at startup and reads all the configuration
data into its working set.  In many(most?) cases, it doesn't matter
where (within which file) you define something as long as the definition
is valid for your version of postfix.  Defining in main.cf can sometimes
shed light on things, as it did in this case, which is kinda why I
recommended those instructions. ;)

This isn't true for _all_ parameters, but for many you can put them
right into main.cf and it'll work fine.  Wietse and Victor can explain
this far better than me.  It's not the preferred method, as it clutters
main.cf.  The more cluttered your main.cf is, the more difficult it can
be to troubleshoot some things.  As I understand it, this is the main
reason/goal behind separating various things out into multiple config
files--it keeps things more organized and easier to troubleshoot.  I.e.
it's more organizational than functional in nature.

So, now, after implementing Victor's advice about the filename leading
"/", comment out the lines in main.cf, and copy them back into your
external config file and see if it works.


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