Rene Bartsch:
> > Rene Bartsch wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> I'm running the combination of Postfix, Postfix-GLD (Greylisting) and 
> >> DBMail(MDA) as a
> stand-alone
> >> Internet host on a Ubuntu-9.04 system. The file '' 
> >> provides the MySQL access
> information for the list of mail-aliases in DBMail and '' 
> provides the list of
> virtual domains extracted from the mail-aliases.
> > According to your config below, you are trying to use local as virtual. 
> > Don't do this.
> According to I shall do 
> this.

Please review

This give you all the reasons why you get "USER UNKNOWN" and "RELAY
ACCESS DENIED" errors, and how to avoid them.

For example, you get "user unknown in virtual mailbox table" because
the domain name is listed in but
the recipient is not listed in

Likewise, you get "relay access denied" because the domain is not
listed in mydestination, virtual_mailbox_domains, virtual_alias_domains
or relay_domains.

Just do what the POSTFIX documentation says.


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