Thank you for your quick reply, stan!

I think I failed to express my thought -_-!

What I'm going to accomplish is to build a mail server in my Intranet using 
postfix. And I hope this mail server can talk to gmail or other e-mail server 
on the Internet. So my co-workers can use my mail server.

Is it possible to talk to gmail under my condition(dynamic ip)?

Do I have to register a domain name on the Internet and bind it to my computer?
Do I have to register to my ISP? 
Do I need a local DNS server?


发件人: Stan Hoeppner 
发送时间: 2009-10-21  14:12:09 
收件人: postfix-users 
主题: Re: Can I talk to gmail? put forth on 10/21/2009 1:01 AM:
> Hi everybody!
> I'm a new user of postfix. Now I have a problem about talking to gmail.
Maybe you should start by telling us exactly what it is you want to
do/accomplish with Postfix, on Debian, inside your small company, from a
dynamic IP address.
Please give us the big picture of what you're trying to accomplish.  My
gut instinct tells me Postfix probably isn't the right tool for the job
you have in mind, but we're all ears.

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