
I'm trying to redirect outbound mail based on the from address. I've seen a 
few things that say sender based routing is not supported, but I'm not sure if 
that is what I need or not.

The problem is that I want to use my local mail client to send mail from my 
work address, which is running MS Exchange. I don't want to simply replace the 
from address on the outbound email - I want to actually have the mail sent 
from the Exchange server.

The only external access to this server is via WebDav, so I've written a 
client that accepts an email message from its standard input, logs on to the 
server, and sends the message. All I need to do now is configure my postfix 
server to pipe selected messages to this client (or better still, to maildrop 
which can also store a local copy).

Ideally, all I'd like to do is select my work address as the from address in 
my original message and have the server do the rest. Is this possible? Or is 
there any other way of routing selected outbound messages to a local program?



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