On Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 11:33:56PM +1100, Barney Barumba wrote:

> I'm trying to redirect outbound mail based on the from address. I've seen a 
> few things that say sender based routing is not supported, but I'm not sure 
> if 
> that is what I need or not.

Postfix has:


which selects a per-sender next-hop address, when the recipient is remote
(delivered via SMTP).

Choosing per-sender transports has no reasonable semantics when some
recipients are local and some remote. This feature is not offered.

> The problem is that I want to use my local mail client to send mail from my 
> work address, which is running MS Exchange. I don't want to simply replace 
> the 
> from address on the outbound email - I want to actually have the mail sent 
> from the Exchange server.
> The only external access to this server is via WebDav, so I've written a 
> client that accepts an email message from its standard input, logs on to the 
> server, and sends the message. All I need to do now is configure my postfix 
> server to pipe selected messages to this client (or better still, to maildrop 
> which can also store a local copy).

If you turn your submission script into a local SMTP service, or deploy
a Postfix smtpd(8) on an alternate port with content_filter set to your
script, you can cause mail to remote recipients and the appropriate sender
address to flow through your script.


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