Thanks a lot for your help. I am going to test your solutions. Thanks again.

Warm Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/2 Victor Duchovni <>

> On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 04:30:21PM +0330, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:
> > I have configured saslauthd to use pam for password verification and I
> want
> > to use pam_krb5 as the authentication back-end. I have set the following
> > options in /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf:
> >
> > log_level: 3
> > pwcheck_method: saslauthd
> > mech_list: plain login
> >
> > Also, I have entered the following lines in /etc/pam.d/smtp
> >
> > auth            sufficient      /lib/security/
> minimum_uid=1000
> > session         required        /lib/security/
> minimum_uid=1000
> > account         required        /lib/security/
> minimum_uid=1000
> > password        sufficient      /lib/security/
> minimum_uid=1000
> >
> > When I use testsaslauthd as "testsaslauthd -u user -p pass -s smtp -f
> > /var/run/saslauthd/mux", it can successfully authenticate the user which
> has
> > a corresponding principal in my kerberos configuration. But, when I want
> to
> > use telnet to actually test the smtp server, the authentication fails.
> > By
> > the way, what should be provided to the server when the desired
> > authentication mechanism is plain? (Is that something like:  perl
> > -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print encode_base64("user\0pass")')?
> No. You need a leading "\0" for an empty authzid.
>        "\0user\0pass"
> --
>        Viktor.
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