On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 09:01:45PM -0500, Alex wrote:

> Reading from a message in the second queue waiting to be delivered,
> the source IP is not one from the pop-before-smtp database

"Is not now" is not the same as "was not then".

> and is not
> from the internal network.

You have shown no configuration information that documents your definition
of "mynetworks".

> The destination is is a user at yahoo.com.

You have shown no configuration information that documents your
definitions of "mydestination", "relay_domains", ...

> How could this happen? Below is the recipient restrictions from the
> first instance:
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
>         reject_non_fqdn_sender
>         reject_non_fqdn_recipient
>         permit_mynetworks
>         check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/pop-before-smtp
>         reject_unauth_destination

    - Client listed in $mynetworks, or authorized via pop-before-smtp

    - Recipient domain matches $mydestination, or $relay_domains or
      is (1.x) listed in $virtual_maps, or $virtual_mailbox_maps.

    - The original recipient was not actually at Yahoo, the mail
      in question a result of local rewriting, or other local
      transformation. It could also be a bounce.

The last 1.x release is from early 2002, it is not easy to remember its
features at this point.


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