> Centos 5.4 - while it looks like a good choice, there has been some
> political infighting going on recently which makes us a little nervous
> about its future. In addition we have found that a number of the core
> packages we wish to use are out of date (postfix, dovecot, amavisd-new
> among them).

Centos is not likely to vanish, since it's just a re-branded version of Redhat
Enterprise Linux.

Since you already know Fedora, I'd suggest doing a base Centos install (no
apps), then using the "cheat sheet" here:

It sets up an additional repository that uses much more up-to-date apps than
are in the Centos repository.

Another option would be to install from source, which is actually not
difficult at all, and is very similar to what you probably did 20 years ago,
only easier. (the build scripts are much more polished than in years past).


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