/dev/rob0 put forth on 12/5/2009 8:44 PM:

> This post might seem like a gratuitous me-too, and it partly is, but
> the thing that concerned me, as one of the people responsible for
> the Spam-L list, was the rejection, in the original post:
>> Dec 4 13:39:15 greer postfix/smtpd[7124]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT
>> from unknown[]: 450 4.7.1 <mx1.mfn.org>: Helo command
>> rejected: Host not found; from=<spam-l-boun...@spam-l.com>
>> to=<s...@hardwarefreak.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<mx1.mfn.org>
> Unknown? Here's what I get:
> 3600 IN     PTR     mx1.mfn.org.
> mx1.mfn.org.            14400   IN      A
> That looks like perfect FCrDNS to me. So another issue you ought to
> look at: why is your resolver failing on this? Is it consistent?

Yeah, I know.  Already chatted with Alif about it.  This 450 temp fail
is what started all of this.  I still got the mail obviously, but I
wanted to figure out why my white list entry for spam-l didn't trigger.
 Thanks to many here, I now know why and am fixing it.

It's looking like I was having transient issues with my resolvers.  I
did some more log digging and found more dns related temp fails than I
should be having given my mail volume.  I've since switched from the old
resolvers to the new free Google resolvers.  So far so good.  If I run
into problems there, I'll switch again or setup my own caching resolver.


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