On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 01:55:07PM -0500, Dennis Putnam wrote:

> You are correct, it was indeed SMTP.

Which "SMTP"? The server "smtpd" (as I surmised) or the client "smtp"?

> I thought about that but I can't find any references to it in the
> Postfx documentation.

Postfix does not implement SASL GSSAPI, Cyrus SASL implements GSSAPI.
So, Postfix does not document GSSAPI.

> Where do I look to specify that? If it simply
> uses mit.edu.Kerberos, that file is correct.

This is not a "keytab" file, it is the equivalent of krb5.conf on
MacOSX systems.

> It may be that it can't
> find that file but again I don't see where to specify a path for it.

Where did you deploy the keys for "smtp/<hostname>@REALM"?
How did you tell Postfix where to look for the keys?



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