Zitat von George Forman <georgeforma...@hotmail.com>:


I am running into a problem where (it seems) queue manager
doesn't pickup the queued message for delivery.  SMTPD returns
a 250 OK at  16:26:39. However, oqmgr doesn't pick it up until 16:35:41.
The is no post queue processing on the message.  I turned up logging
on cleanup, qmgr and oqmgr (see below). I could not find any clues
as to why there would be a delay. Any help is greatly appreciated.  - George

Why do you run oqmgr instead of the default qmgr?? I hope you don't try to run both of them. Can you show master.cf additionally?



Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME krytographische Unterschrift

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