I got this task of implementing ODMR in postfix. Although I tried playing the 
"why-not-instead" game,
1. no one wants to hear about uucp probably because they thought we will also
switch the fiber links to 9600baud modems. 
2. ETRN was a good choice until ISP decided that ETRN is not a good choice 
3. The existing ODMR implementations for postfix are "don't"s.

Before proceeding, I'd like to ask few questions since I seem to have multiple 
implementation choices:

No matter how hard I try not to, I keep seeing similarities between ETRN and 
ATRN. That is, dead people:
        1.ATRN requires AUTH by specification but no sane sysadmin would do 
ETRN without AUTH by implementation
        2.both ETRN and ATRN can share the same service_policy_check (by 
matching the requested domain(s) against
                authenticated user) and (if it doesn't sound forced) same 
configuration parameter, smtpd_etrn_restrictions - and
                this should (not must) always be the case when supporting both 
same time.
        3.both ETRN and ATRN can be flush(8)-based services without increased 
code complexity and I'll get back to this soon.
        4.at this point i see ATRN as a "silent" ETRN upgrade so postfix would 
transparently provide both services. The only
                weird thing that I can't get rid of because others did it is 
ETRN being available on smtp port and ATRN requiring
                port 366. Why? Beats me. I'll call it "incomplete security 
measures". RFC is missing a chapter that would make ETRN either
                obsolete or confirming to the new security considerations if 
one cares so about security more than about keeping protocol
                upgrades inline. I can hardly wait to read about YTRN and XTRN.

revisiting (3.), I picture this postfix setup that may be a classic for 
ETRN/ATRN: ETRN-enabled domains (if any) would
have a normal transport definition and ATRN-enabled domains would have a 
transport of atrn:[localhost]:DOMAIN_PORT. When
ODMR service accepts the ATRN request it will hookup a listener on 
localhost:DOMAIN_PORT and call flush for the requested domain.
The listener will simply proxy the data to the client's connection (without 
QUITs until last domain requested gets to be fully
processed). Transactions in progress may be spotted by a failed bind(), 
assuming no other bugs. Disabling resends until explicitly
requested may be done with defer_transports same as with etrn.
This is for now the cleanest ATRN implementation while willing to reuse 
everything that I can from postfix code.

Because of the (4) and also the way we can reuse flush, a patch on smtpd 
service is undesirable. 
BUT i can still reuse great pieces of code from smtpd service to implement an 
"odmrd" service. I can think AUTH and EHLO and that
would be enough. So I will go with defining a trimmed-down version of smtpd 
automata and reuse some state handlers.
But some of the functions registered with SMTPD automata that I would reuse in 
"odmrd" are static. Same for odmr client if one
wants to reuse smtp functions.

My question is, is this just an isolated case when one can successfully reuse 
postfix code or can it be taken in consideration
for a wider audience and eventually make it through at least as a chance for 
anyone to define some family of functions as 
exportable at compile time (preprocessed (non-)static declarations) ?

And second, is the idea of reusing flush(8) in ATRN (as described above) having 
some flaws that I failed to see?

Thank you,

adrian ilarion ciobanu
+40 788 319 497

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