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Hello postfix-users,

I have a postfix-server with virtual user-mapping in a database serving
multiple domains running for some years now. It's not a high-traffic
site but as spam-mails increased, I decided to use a spamfilter (amavis
& spamassassin now). One thing that disturbed me right from the start
and that I want to have fixed now is:
An email from an authenticated user can be sent to any destination. This
is correct and shall stay this way.
An email (FROM is not in $mydestination) from an unauthenticated user to
an address in $mydestination is accecpted. This is also fine.
An email from an unauthenticated user to any destination but
$mydestination (open relay) is denied. Perfect.
BUT: Any email (FROM is in $mydestination) to $mydestination is accepted
by any user since TO is in $mydestination. How do I stop this?
Mails from $mydestination should only be accepted when the user is
authenticated even when the destination is in $mydestination. That means
that the "mails from $mydestination only when authenticated" shall be
stronger than the "mails to $mydestination from any user/from any address".

I searched the internet, talked to people in chatrooms and read the
manpage postconf(5) but I still do not know how to achieve this.

Would be nice if my problem can be solved on this ML.

Thanks in advance,
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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