On Mon, 05 Apr 2010 13:22:44 -0500
Noel Jones <njo...@megan.vbhcs.org> wrote:

> No.  The log entry clearly shows that 
> fep06.mfe.bur.connect.com.au is the sender and local postfix 
> is the receiver.  The local postfix rejects the delivery attempt.
> This is almost certainly a "spoofed freemail" rule added to 
> the local postfix.  Recipes for similar rules have been posted 
> on this list in the past.

Ah, you are correct.  Very silly rule at any rate, since there are
legitimate people that have certain freemail addresses but don't actually
use the freemail provider for SMTP.

Guess I need more coffee.  (Was wondering why it didn't say, "<somehost> 

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