When ThunderBird forwards a message, it sends it with the ORIGINAL Date header:

This hits one of my header_checks for spammy mails:

/^Date:.* 200[0-8]/                            REJECT Your email has a date 
from the past. Fix your system clock and try again.

Apr 23 09:18:26 mail postfix/cleanup[69286]: C6CE1118B9E8: reject: header Date: 
Tue, 29 Jan 2008 11:19:20 -0800 from *munge*.hsd1.dc.comcast.net[98.218.*,*]; 
from=<du...@dmainm> to=<u...@otherdomain> proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>: 
5.7.1 Your email has a date from the past. Fix your system clock and try again.

Is this behavior of ThunderBird's normal? I've never encountered it with 
another client, but then again I am not normally seeing people forward emails 
from years past either.

They say only the good die young. If it works the other way too I'm immortal

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