On 5/13/2010 12:57 PM, Victor Duchovni wrote:
> On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 12:19:04PM -0400, Kaleb Hosie wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In our environment, we have a postfix server that receives mail and forwards
>> only the HAM onto Exchange.
>> I have several users that are using notebooks and looking to send and
>> receive mail remotely. I have Exchange setup to allow IMAP connections and
>> forwarded the port on the firewall.
>> As you can imagine, the problem is with SMTP authentication. When a user
>> sends an email from a remote location, I would like for it to require
>> authentication. What's the best way to do that in an Exchange environment?
> I would use a PAM Kerberos module, that uses the provided password to
> obtain (and verify against the server's keytab) a Kerberos ticket issued
> by Microsoft's Active Directory.
> To avoid having to populate AD accounts into /etc/passwd on the server,
> you can use a custom passwd file for the SMTP SASL module
>     smtpd.conf:
>       pwcheck_method: saslauthd
>       mech_list: PLAIN
>     $ ps -e -o args | grep sasl
>       saslauthd -m /var/run/saslauthd -a pam
>     /etc/pam.d/smtp:
>       auth         requisite    pam_krb5.so auth_only
>       account      required     pam_localuser.so file=/etc/postfix/saslusers
>       password     required     pam_deny.so
>       session      required     pam_deny.so
>     /etc/postfix/saslusers:
>       joeuser:x:99:99:SASL user:/:
>       freduser:x:99:99:SASL user:/:
>       ...
> You'll also need keys for "host/<servername>@EXAMPLE.COM" where
> "EXAMPLE.COM" is your AD Kerberos realm and "servername" is the hostname
> of your Postfix SMTP server. These should be in /etc/krb5.keytab.

*bows before the master*

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