I've been getting a lost of "lost connection after DATA" this last week.  On 
our low volume servers (that houses some minor clients) we are receiving 
800/day.  We switched over to ipvsadm about 3 weeks ago and I though maybe it's 
because of non-persistent connections.  So I reset ipvsadm to be persistent to 
a given server.

Anyway, we are still receiving them.  The firewall allows port 25 incoming, 
everything outgoing but there is also some nat'ing going on because of the 
ipvsadm.  Anyone ever seen this type of issue with this type of config?

We are getting mail flow pretty consistently, but today we had a report of a 
bounce from a user who was trying to receive a rather large document via email 
and that's when I noticed that in most cases it's "lost connection after DATA 
from ... " but in the case of this users, "lost connection after DATA (xxxxxx 
bytes) from ..."


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