Dragan Zubac:
> Hello
> I have two Postfix instances with configuration folders :
> /etc/postfix
> /etc/postfix-second
> I start both instances by issuing the following commands :
> postfix -c /etc/postfix start
> postfix -c /etc/postfix-second start
> I'm about to write a start/stop script for both instances,but I have a
> problem because both of them using the following executable file :
> /usr/lib/postfix/master
> so when I type something like :
> home:/etc/rc.d # pgrep -u root master
> 29967
> 1567
> I got both instances pid files :
> lsof -p 1567|grep pid
> master  1567 root    9uW  REG                8,7      33    67550
> /var/spool/postfix-second/pid/master.pid
> home:/etc/rc.d # lsof -p 29967|grep pid
> master  29967 root    9uW  REG                8,7      33    83715
> /var/spool/postfix/pid/master.pid
> Is there any Postfix way of uniquely distinguish between running
> multiply instances of Postfix ? 

Use the CONTENT of the PID files.


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