Mark Scholten put forth on 8/7/2010 8:19 AM:

> As long as it is with a reputable provider there should be no problem to use
> them for SMTP mail.

I estimate 90%+ of all the VPS providers are in the "disreputable" category
WRT SMTP spam, most due to negligence, not evil.  There are are a few dozen
VPS providers (in the US anyway) who cater specifically to spammers.

The percentage of "reputable VPS providers" is likely in the single digits,
especially now that registrars such as GoDaddy and others now offer VPS.  They
don't vet customers at all.  GoDaddy VPS IP space is now SMTP block-on-site
for many sites.  Has been here for quite some time.

For receivers, the "smart money" says block all VPS SMTP, whitelist when


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