On 8/25/2010 4:54 PM, Noel Jones wrote:
On 8/25/2010 4:27 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
Noel Jones:
Do we want to allow mixing DNSWLs and DNSBLs in one list?

I see them as being the same thing; just different weights.
Default to blacklist weight of 1; the user must specify a
negative weight for a whitelist.

I've changed my mind on this. While might make sense to combine dnsbl & dnswl in one list, the problem comes up if we ever implement rhsXl because the hostname requirements are different. With an rhsbl, you want the unverified reverse name; with an rhswl, you need the FCrDNS standard postfix hostname.

Separating the lists also allows us to use whitelist and blacklist default weight values, reducing configuration burden.

Matthias Leisi wrote:
What about wildcarding? dnswl.org currently returns 127.0.n.[0-3],
with "n" being numerical for the category (eg banks etc). People may
want to have something like "whitelist on 127.0.*.2 and 127.0.*.3".

This looks like a useful concept. If we use "*" as an octet wildcard, we'll need to use something else as the weight modifier. dnsbl_site=127.0.*.3w1 seems reasonable.

So, the modified proposal for postscreen would be:

- postscreen_dnsbl_sites (default empty); A comma separated list of dnsbl IP blacklist sites with optional result filter and optional weight. Specify one or more dnsbl sites as:
where dnsbl_site is the site name, d.d.d.d is the optional result filter, and N is the optional weight value. Wildcard octets in the result filter can be indicated with "*". If no result filter is given, any result is considered a match. The weight is given as the letter "w" followed by a value in the range [-99~+99] inclusive. If "+" or "-" is not specified, "+" is assumed. If no weight is given, the default weight value is +1.
postscreen_dnsbl_sites =

- postscreen_dnswl_sites (default empty); A comma separated list of dnswl IP whitelist sites with optional result filter and optional weight. Specify one or more dnswl sites as:
where dnswl_site is the site name, d.d.d.d is the optional result filter, and N is the optional weight value. Wildcard octets in result filter can be indicated with "*". If no result filter is given, any result is considered a match. The weight is given as the letter "w" followed by a value in the range [-99~+99] inclusive. If "+" or "-" is not specified, "-" is assumed. If no weight is given, the default weight value is -1.
postscreen_dnswl_sites =

(next two items are for future expansion if hostnames are available)

(name tweaks? postscreen_dnsbl_hostname_sites and postscreen_dnswl_hostname_sites so one can grep all related parameters with postscreen_dns*?)

- postscreen_rhsbl_sites (default empty); A comma separated list of rhsbl hostname blacklist sites using the unverified client hostname with optional result filter and optional weight. Specify one or more rhsbl sites as:
where rhsbl_site is the site name, d.d.d.d is the optional result filter, and N is the optional weight value. Wildcard octets in the result filter can be indicated with "*". If no result filter is given, any result is considered a match. The weight is given as the letter "w" followed by a value in the range [-99~+99] inclusive. If "+" or "-" is not specified, "+" is assumed. If no weight is given, the default weight value is +1.
postscreen_rhsbl_sites =

- postscreen_rhswl_sites (default empty); A comma separated list of rhswl hostname whitelist sites using the client hostname with optional result filter and optional weight. Specify one or more rhswl sites as:
where rhswl_site is the site name, d.d.d.d is the optional result filter, and N is the optional weight value. Wildcard octets in the result filter can be indicated with "*". If no result filter is given, any result is considered a match. The weight is specified as the letter "w" followed by a value in the range [-99~+99] inclusive. If "+" or "-" is not specified, "-" is assumed. If no weight is given, the default weight value is -1.
postscreen_rhsbl_sites =

(below is unchanged except for the name change to *_dnsxl_*)

- postscreen_dnsxl_whitelist_score (default=-1); a "pass" threshold score. clients scoring at or BELOW this value trigger the postscreen_dnsxl_whitelist_action.

- postscreen_dnsxl_blacklist_score (default=1) a "drop" threshold score. Clients scoring at or ABOVE this value trigger the postscreen_dnsxl_blacklist_action.

- postscreen_dnsxl_whitelist_action (default continue); the action postscreen takes when a client matches the postscreen_dnsxl_whitelist_score. Specify one of: continue; perform additional postscreen tests to determine disposition. pass; exempt the client from further postscreen tests and pass it to a real SMTP server process

- postscreen_dnsxl_blacklist_action (default continue); the action postscreen takes when a client exceeds the postscreen_dnsxl_blacklist_score. Specify one of: continue; perform additional postscreen tests to determine disposition.
drop; drop the connection with a 521 SMTP reply

  -- Noel Jones

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