Vincent Lefevre put forth on 11/5/2010 4:03 AM:

> Testing the tld alone seems to be excluded by the access(5) man page,
> which only documents "domain.tld", i.e. the pattern must contain
> at least one dot. Is it an error in the man page (which could say
> "domain" instead, like in Section "Email address extension") or is
> it intentional?

If you want to block rDNS TLDs this PCRE works with check_client_access:

/^.*?(info|kr|jp|sg|qa)$/i 550 We do not accept mail from .$1 domains

You could also use this for check_sender_access, check_helo_access,
etc--it should work with any check that passes a string with .tld in it.


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