Ronald F. Guilmette:
> Hello again friends.  Long time no see.
> I've gotten myself into a somewhat heated discussion... which seems to
> be the only kind I get into these days... on another mailing list
> regarding the spam outflow filtering capabilities of one particular
> non-Posfix based e-mail service.
> For the sake of comparison, I'd like to be able to describe in some
> detail what sorts of capabilities Posfix may offer along these lines,
> but I am at a serious disadvantage here, because I frankly haven't
> been paying too much attention to developments in the world of Postfix
> for the last few years, and thus, I'm pretty completely ignorant about
> the state of Postfix's current capabilities vis a via outflow filtering.
> So, you know, I am kind of hoping that somebody here might help me out
> and bring me up to speed.  What capabilities does Postfix currently
> offer to insure that a given Posfix installation is not itself a source
> of spam?

Small sites use the same MTAs for inbound and outbound, and can
use the same content filters for all email. Large sites use different
MTAs for inbound and outbound, but these can still filter out the
same evil content. Postfix also supports rate and volume limits
via e.g., policyd; this can also work for out-of-control remote or
local clients. And so on.


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