Marnix Petrarca (
> Hello everyone,

Please follow instructions in the mailing list welcome message:

- Send "postconf -n output".

- Show "postfix logging".

- In this case, also show "telnet hostaddress 25" output.


> i'm running postfix from the Fedora Core 12 x64 distribution. The postfix 
>-box is on a 10.x.x.x segment of my firewall, and i'm connecting from a 192.x
>-.x.x segment of the same firewall. I never had any of this problem, but perh
>-aps something changed or i forgot. There is a NAT relationship from 192.168.
>-x.x to 10.x.x.x, and a NAT relationship from the 10.x.x.x to the external (r
>-outable) IP's.
> If i set the mynetworks to class, i am able to relay through this linux bo
>-x from my exchange 2007 also on the 10.x.x.x segment to the outside world wi
>-thout any problems. I usually use GRC's idserve.exe to grab the postfix bann
>-er, i.e. 220 ESMTP Postfix (2.6.5) at that point to confi
>-rm functionality, but strangely i cannot grab it from my 192.168.x.x segment
>-, even though i come into the 10.x.x.x segment through the default gateway o
>-n that zone, which should fall under 'class' in mynetworks. If i start up id
>-serve.exe on the 10.x.x.x zone, i can grab the postfix banner without proble
> When sending works as described, i usually at this point configure the 25 
>-portforward on the firewall to point at the linux postfix box, i then try to
>- grab the postfix banner on the external IP on the firewall where the postfi
>-x is published as smtp port 25, which also enters the 10.x.x.x segment from 
>-the 10.x.x.x gateway and start configuring the incoming routes with for inst
>-ance the transport map.
> The problem is that whatever i try over the last days, i cannot grab the b
>-anner on the external interface port 25 or from 192.168.x.x nor send from 19
>-2.168.x.x with for instance a mail client, which in the past, always worked.
> Maybe i overlooked some other variable to set yet it seems strange to me a
>-s i would expect the postfix box to accept and forward connections from anyw
>-here in the 10.x.x.x range - but it doesn't?
> Any pointers will be appreciated, in the mean time i'm setting up a centos
>- box to see if it fails in this way too.
> Thanks,
> Marnix
> Netherlands.
> ________________________________
> avast! Antivirus<>: Outbound message clean.
> Virus Database (VPS): 11/28/2010
> Tested on: 11/28/2010 2:50:53 PM
> avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2010 AVAST Software.

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