On 27/01/11 13:19, Wietse Venema wrote:
> John Fawcett:
>> Claudio
>> the problem is happening because your column definition for "domain"
>> column has character set latin1 (which by default has collation
>> latin_swedish_ci) and the data being passed from postfix is in utf8
>> (which by default has collation utf8_general_ci).
> Actually, there is no legitimate character set for non-ASCII SMTP
> commands.  There is an RFC for UTF8 SMTP, but is not implemented
> on any significant scale at this time. It creates major headaches
> for envelope and content inspection, with non-identity MIME encoding
> and with alternate email addresses.
>       Wietse
In RFC5336 the server advertises availability of non-ascii in smtp
commands (UTF8SMTP keyword in EHLO response), but I do not see an
explicit way of identifying if a client wishes to use the extension,
except maybe for the ALT-ADDRESS parameter but that is optional.

If UTF8SMTP support is introduced in Postfix, what rules should Postfix
follow for interpreting email addresses? That if there is at least one
non-ascii character, the string is treated as utf8 else it is treated as
ascii? What demands does that place on all the dictionary back ends?


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