On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 04:49:16PM -0800, Alan Batie wrote:

> In the 25 years I've been dealing with email, the one constant is "what
> happened to my email?". Not that I'm a guru --- I've always been in
> small groups doing a variety of things from admin to networking to
> coding, so often it's a matter of something that hasn't come up in a
> while and having to refresh my memory...
> One of the reasons I like postfix is that it's relatively easy to answer
> that question...but not perfect. I haven't had a chance to try the
> latest 2.8 yet --- we're using Zimbra at the moment which is using
> 2.6.5, but I just had a case where the message bounced with this
> singularly unhelpful message:
> > If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own
> > text from the attached returned message.
> > 
> >                    The mail system
> > 
> > <someotheru...@someotherdomain.com>: someotherdomain.com 

Don't add transport table entries of the form:

        example.com     error:example.com
        example.com     error

The error message "example.com" will be as meaningless to the sender
as you intend. You get similar results when you set "local_transport =
error" or "relay_transport = error", ...

This is driver error. The error transport should always be configured
with a sensible nexthop, for example:


        local_transport = error:5.1.1 Mailbox unavailable

This not only provides sensible error text, but also sets a reasonable
RFC 3463 error code.


> > Feb  1 13:26:51 mta01 postfix/error[25284]: 3BBBC49137C: 
> > to=<someotheru...@anotherdomain.com>, relay=none, delay=0.05, 
> > delays=0.03/0.01/0/0.01, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (someotherdomain.com)

The nexthop of the "error" transport was "someotherdomain.com". Either
explicit or by using "error" as a bare transport.

> Second, all errors should be clear; here's what the above *should* have
> looked like, in my ideal world:

Postfix reported the error message you configured.


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