On Sat, 05 Feb 2011 01:41:35 +0100
mouss <mo...@ml.netoyen.net> articulated:

> Le 05/02/2011 00:34, Joe a écrit :
> > On 02/04/2011 03:13 PM, mouss wrote:
> >> Le 04/02/2011 20:42, Joe a écrit :
> >>> I always try to work with the package management system to keep
> >>> things sane and manageable if possible. postfix-2.7 and 2.8 rpms
> >>> and srpms are available for centos from several sources. It's
> >>> pretty easy to replace the ancient postfix package with a fairly
> >>> up to date one, and it's one of the first things I'd do after a
> >>> centos or rhel install.
> >>>
> >>> I see that rhel 6 comes with postfix-2.6.6 which is better, but
> >>> still a bit conservative. Not all of the rhel/centos packages are
> >>> out of date, but they do seem quite sluggish about making any MTA
> >>> changes.
> >>>
> >>> FWIW debian/ubuntu seem to be much more current on the versions of
> >>> postfix they ship, but even then it's not a bad idea to install a
> >>> more recent package than what they ship with.
> >>>
> >>> Joe
> >> guys, we at the bsd balcony find it funny to see linuxers fighting
> >> each other with "my distro is better" and "I can compile faster
> >> than you", and more funnily "I was born to destroy bill gates
> >> empire".
> > 
> > I'm at a loss as to where you think you're seeing a fight.
> maybe I took it the way I should not, but reading the messages again
> doesn't help me change my mind. anyway, let's skip...
> what I mean is: there's no point complaining about why a distro has
> old packages. if you use a system/distro, you need to take into
> account both the system and the packages. if you chose linux because
> "there's nothing but linux", then chose a distro because "it's the
> best", then don't complain about its packages. before you do, try to
> contribute.
> > I merely
> > mentioned options for upgrading postix packages on various linux
> > distros. I've used all the above mentioned distros and more. I have
> > not indicated a preference for one over the other, I consider them
> > all useful.
> > 
> so do I. I may have taken into account other discussions (from other
> threads) where people complain about the package age in various
> distros. I don't consider upgrading to the latest software, be that
> postfix or apache, to be my religion. I certainly use the latest
> postfix version on freebsd, even more recent than what the port
> provides (hey Sahil!), but that's because I know how bsd pkgsrc/ports
> work and because it's easy. for example, here's how to use the
> 2.9-20110120 on freebsd:
> # cd /usr/ports/mail/
> # cp -r postfix-current postfix-last
> # cd postfix-last
> -> change the DISTVERSION in Makefile
> # vi Makefile
> ..
> DISTVERSION=    2.9-20110120
> ..
> -> download the tarball
> # make fetch
> -> compute sha1 & size and update distinfo:
> # vi distinfo
> SHA256 (postfix/postfix-2.9-20110120.tar.gz) =
> 88dae90c52aa7eabf2a6dd3a9c4364240062419ff6fd2a814f4910a0e991e7a7
> SIZE (postfix/postfix-2.9-20110120.tar.gz) = 3638193
> -> update pkg-plist to add tlsproxy (so that a pkg_delete removes all
> the stuff)
> # diff pkg-plist ../postfix-current/
> 37d36
> < libexec/postfix/tlsproxy
> 234d232
> < %%PORTDOCS%%%%DOCSDIR%%/tlsproxy.8.html
> -> build and install
> # make install clean

I have done the same thing with other packages on FreeBSD as well. From
what I can tell, the only reason that the latest 2.9x release is not in
the ports system is because of FreeBSD's retarded port freeze pending
the release of the updated OS. I would definitely NOT blame Sahil's
for this minor inconvenience or delay. He did get the 2.8 version out
almost as soon as it was officially released. I believe that I can
safely say that he beat every other distro out of the gate. He does a
magnificent job of maintaining the Postfix ports.

Jerry ✌
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