Erwan Loa?c:
> Hello,
> We have a postfix system which handle many alias and users with virtual 
> transport. The backend used is LDAP.
> Now, I have to use mysql backend for some other specific domains.
> How can I set this to make postfix looking to ldap for a "list of 
> domain" and looking to mysql for "an other list of domain".

See below.


man ldap_table

       domain (default: no domain list)
              This is a list of domain names, paths to files,  or
              dictionaries.  When specified, only fully qualified
              search keys with  a  *non-empty*  localpart  and  a
              matching  domain  are  eligible  for lookup: 'user'
              lookups, bare domain lookups and "@domain"  lookups
              are  not  performed.  This can significantly reduce
              the query load on the LDAP server.

                  domain =, hash:/etc/postfix/searchdomains

              It is best not to use LDAP  to  store  the  domains
              eligible for LDAP lookups.

              NOTE:  DO  NOT  define  this parameter for local(8)

              This feature is available in Postfix 1.0 and later.

man mysql_table

       domain (default: no domain list)
              This is a list of domain names, paths to files,  or
              dictionaries.  When specified, only fully qualified
              search keys with  a  *non-empty*  localpart  and  a
              matching  domain  are  eligible  for lookup: 'user'
              lookups, bare domain lookups and "@domain"  lookups
              are  not  performed.  This can significantly reduce
              the query load on the MySQL server.
                  domain =, hash:/etc/postfix/searchdomains

              It is best not to use SQL to store the domains eli-
              gible for SQL lookups.

              This  parameter  is  available with Postfix 2.2 and

              NOTE: DO NOT define  this  parameter  for  local(8)
              aliases, because the input keys are always unquali-

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