Zitat von Frank Bonnet <f.bon...@esiee.fr>:

On 03/11/2011 09:51 AM, Frank Bonnet wrote:
On 03/10/2011 09:09 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
Frank Bonnet put forth on 3/10/2011 9:55 AM:

Is it possible to configure postfix to use some round-robin
mechanisms to send emails with several SMTP servers ?

I mean to SEND emails to the external world, not to receive.

I touched on this recently but in a different context, that being
multiple postfix instances on one box all used as an outbound relay
farm.  You wan to use round robin DNS for this.

What you want to accomplish is very simple.  Create a DNS CNAME entry of
something like relay-farm.your-domain.tld and point it to something like
tractor.your-domain.tld.  Then create an A record for each SMTP relay
box's IP, with all of these A records having the name
tractor.your-domain.tld.  This should enable round robin DNS.  Now,
simply add this to main.cf:

relayhost = relay-farm.your-domain.tld

I think this is right.  If not it's darn close.

Thanks a Stan gonna try this

Thanks ! it works fine :-)

Would be better with "relayhost = [relay-farm.your-domain.tld]", no?



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