Reindl Harald wrote:
BCC is a header so why you put it in the mail-body?

"Email header lines are not SMTP commands per se. They are sent in the DATA stream for a message. Header lines appear on a line by themselves, and are separated from the body of a message by a blank line." says the following:

It is recommended that the UA provide its initial ("submission
   client") MTA with an envelope separate from the message itself.
   However, if the envelope is not supplied, SMTP commands SHOULD be
   generated as follows:

 1.  Each recipient address from a TO, CC, or BCC header field SHOULD
       be copied to a RCPT command (generating multiple message copies
       if that is required for queuing or delivery).  This includes any
       addresses listed in a RFC 822 "group".  Any BCC header fields
       SHOULD then be removed from the header section.  Once this
       process is completed, the remaining header fields SHOULD be
       checked to verify that at least one TO, CC, or BCC header field
       remains.  If none do, then a BCC header field with no additional
       information SHOULD be inserted as specified in [4].

From that I assume the behaviour I expected in my first email is correct. i.e. Adding email addresses to a "bcc:" header in the DATA section which postfix then translates into "rcpt to:" commands, whilst stripping the addresses in bcc.

Although "should" in RFCs mean "recommended".


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