On 2011-03-23 Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 23.03.2011 20:55, schrieb Jeroen van Aart:
>> I tried the following in telnet session, but for some reason the
>> email is only sent to the rcpt to: address. None of the Bcc'ed
>> addresses receive a copy. Am I missing something obvious?

Yes. Mail servers deliver mail only by envelope, not by the headers of
the mail. Your mail client initially takes the addresses that you
entered into the TO, CC and BCC fields and puts them onto the envelope
for you (i.e. uses them in the RCPT TO command). This works almost
exactly like snail mail. The postmen just look at the address you wrote
on the envelope. They don't go opening the envelope to check what
address you wrote on the letter inside it.

>> rcpt to: n...@example.com
>> 250 2.1.5 Ok
>> data
>> 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
>> bcc: somen...@example.net, anothern...@example.org
>> testing
> BCC is a header so why you put it in the mail-body?

Everything that isn't part of the envelope comes after the DATA command.
This includes not only the body, but also the headers of the e-mail.
Normally a Bcc: header wouldn't be included, though, because otherwise
the B(lind) would be rather pointless and one could have just as well
put the addresses into the Cc: header.

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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