Zitat von Steve Jenkins <stevejenk...@gmail.com>:

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 5:09 PM, Joe <j...@tmsusa.com> wrote:
IMNSHO it's standard practice to run a dns server on the MX host. If you
don't want a full blown bind server, at least run some sort of caching dns
server; the difference in the lookup times has a big impact when you're
sending messages at a high rate.

Thx, Joe. Any advantage IYNSHO to running a full blown bind server as
opposed to something simpler like dnsmasq or nsd (or anything else
you're recommend)?

Most of the time "simple" caching resolvers are faster at corner cases then Bind. Recommended easy to handle caching resolvers are PowerDNS recursor (http://www.powerdns.com) or Unbound (www.unbound.net) for example.



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