Begin forwarded message:

From: jason hirsh <>
Date: March 3, 2011 4:50:09 PM GMT-04:00
To: John Hinton <>
Subject: Re: Google The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect.

On Mar 3, 2011, at 4:40 PM, John Hinton wrote:

On 3/3/2011 3:09 PM, jason hirsh wrote:

On Mar 3, 2011, at 4:02 PM, John Hinton wrote:

On 3/3/2011 2:52 PM, jason hirsh wrote:

On Mar 3, 2011, at 3:49 PM, John Hinton wrote:

On 3/3/2011 2:34 PM, jason hirsh wrote:

I have been informed by a couple gmail users that my server is blocking their access. They are getting

Technical details of temporary failure:
The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at
[ (5): Connection timed out]

The wierd thing about this is that it appers to effect only a couple of gmail usres. For example mail from my gmail account goes through just fine

Are you running a greylist perhaps? Either way, Google 'slams' email. In other words they try once and if the email cannot be delivered before the time out, the failure response is sent. I run milter greylist on one of my sendmail servers and had to include an exception for gmail. Sad but true. Gmail is not really a fully compliant email system but they do a lot of other things very good.

Yes I am running postgrey now.. but this occured even before I added postgrey plus, thetre still is the issue that some accounts make it and some don't

There is no record of any rejection in my logs
I'm at a bit of a loss about why before postgrey. It suggests that the mailserver is just not answering fast enough, which can vary based on load at a particular moment. Gmail might have a short connection attempt time set as well? Obviously slamming reduces loads to a huge degree... shorter connection times would also reduce loads. It is for the most part a 'free' service. Perhaps premiere gmail accounts are handled diffently?

I have reviewed my logs again.. and I can find no record of any rejection or bounce or delay.

is there anything i can do to correct for this?

I do not know how many mails i am losing because of the gmail issue and I realize that it is a gmail problem
but my users don't...

As for postgrey, I have not used that but you need to add an exception for gmail. I assume postgrey is like milter greylist in that it keeps a list of recent IP addresses to allow incoming email. Gmail certainly has lots of IP addresses for their mailservers. It could be simply hit or miss based on which are currently on that allow list. This would show as a sporadic issue. Another test, if you know any of the gmail people which are receiving the failure notices, is to have them try once, then again some minutes later which is greater than you postgrey time setting. Then again, I'm not sure every email sent from any particular gmail user always come in from the same IP address.

I had this issue even before I added post grey to my configuratioin.. I am getting no errrors or bounces
I have had the user resend

again the wired things are
1) one gmail account works while others don't (which would support one server is really slamming while tjhe other isn't
Or some are whitelisted by postgrey while others are not. Also, is it possible that loads are going high at times, causing time outs? Gmail will just give up while almost all others simply retry later.

i have expanded my white listing in postgrey
2) absoultely no error mesages on my server.. its like it boucned off an invisible shield
Do your postgrey logs show? If it is sending a delay response, it would only show in the logs of that 'invisible shield'. (again, sorry I'm out of my realm here as I only have experience with milter greylist on my backup sendmail server. I do remember setting several IP address ranges to get around gmail slamming.)

John I am out of MY realm with postgrey too... but again the crux of the issue is that it occured BEFORE i had added postgrey

I have postgrey.. logging to maillog.... and i have tried grep'ed the addresses with no find..

since it existed pre and post postgreu installation I continue to assume that it is something to do with postfix

can I whitelist gmail in postfix in a manner to let all thie rmermutations and combos go through?

I know that with all the spoofing of gmail this wull create an opening for spam... I have tried to convince the user the gmail is a horrible thing to be using for primary mail.. but......

I understand its gmail's error...

Remember, the error message is generated by gmail, not your system. You could grep logs for the sender's email address.

Best of luck.


John Hinton
877-777-1407 ext 502
Comprehensive Online Solutions

John Hinton
877-777-1407 ext 502
Comprehensive Online Solutions

John Hinton
877-777-1407 ext 502
Comprehensive Online Solutions

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