> > OK, thank you very much for the pointer to  smtp_bind_address.  That's what 
> > I 

> > need, but I'm stumbling at the  transport map.  I already have outgoing 
> > mail 

> > segregated how I want  it when it exits my content filtering (ready to be 
> > out).  So  ideally, the content filter (actually the specialized smtpd 
> >  that accepts mail from the content filter) could hand off to a specific 
> > smtp 
> > process that has the needed smtp_bind_address.  
> The smtpd  process does not choose the smtp process. 

Fair enough.

> This quote from  RELEASE_NOTES-2.7 describes two solutions that may
> be of interest: see  Feature 20100117 and Feature 20091209 below.

Yes, especially feature 20100117.  Thank you very much for your work on those 
new features.

Unfortunately, I'm stuck with version 2.3.3 (bah! yum!), so I've been trying to 
find other ways to accomplish this.  I thought I might be able to override 
transport_maps (or default_transport?) in a smtpd process that gets mail back 
from the content filter, but I have been educated that this is not possible 
thread "Multiple transport maps in master.cf?").

Anyone have any other tricks up their sleeve that could address this (beside 
multiple instances)?  

It looks like if I can make the smtpd process add some kind of special header 
(is this possible?), then maybe I can do what was done here:


Is that work-able?

  - smtpd add a custom header
  - define a header check that detects the special header and filters those 
messages off to a special smtp process (and hopefully remove the special 
but OK if not)

> Feature 20091209 triggers  only on the envelope sender address,
> while Feature 20100117 can trigger on  any message property including
> a string in the header or body. 
> Both  require that mail is split into classes, and all mail in class
> X is sent out  from an SMTP client IP address that is reserved for
> class X. For each class  you configure master.cf one  Postfix SMTP
> client for each SMTP source IP address, where each client has  its
> own "-o myhostname" and "-o smtp_bind_address"  settings.
> /etc/postfix/master.cf:
>     smtp1       unix  -       -       n        -       -       smtp
>      -o smtp_bind_address= -o myhostname=hostname1
>      smtp2      unix  -       -        n       -       -        smtp
>     -o smtp_bind_address= -o  myhostname=hostname2
> With Feature 20100117 you'd specify actions of  "FILTER smtp1:" or
> "FILTER smtp2:" in an smtpd access(5) table,  header_checks(5) or
> body_checks(5). For example, in an access  table:
> /etc/postfix/main.cf:
>     smtpd_sender_restrictions  =
>     check_sender_accesss  hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access
> /etc/postfix/sender_access:
>      sender1    FILTER smtp1:
>      sender2    FILTER smtp2:
> With Feature 20091209 you'd  have:
> /etc/postfix/main.cf:
>      sender_dependent_default_transport_maps = 
>      hash:/etc/postfix/sender_transport
> /etc/postfix/sender_transport:
>      sender1    smtp1
>      sender2    smtp2
>     Wietse
> Major  changes - sender reputation
> ---------------------------------
> [Feature  20100117] The FILTER action in access maps or header/body_checks
> now supports  sender reputation schemes that dynamically choose the
> SMTP source IP address.  Typically, mail is split into classes, and
> all mail in class X is sent out  from an SMTP client IP address that
> is reserved for class X.
> This is  implemented by specifying FILTER actions with empty next-hop
> destinations in  access maps or header/body_checks, and by configuring
> in master.cf one  Postfix SMTP client for each SMTP source IP address,
> where each client has  its own "-o myhostname" and "-o smtp_bind_address"
> settings.
> [Feature  20091209] sender_dependent_default_transport_maps, a
> per-sender override for  default_transport. The original motivation
> is to use different output  channels (with different source IP
> addresses) for different sender addresses,  in order to keep their
> IP-based reputations separate from each  other.
> The result value syntax is that of default_transport, not  transport_maps.
> Thus, sender_dependent_default_transport_maps does not  support the
> special transport_maps result value syntax for null transport,  null
> nexthop, or null email address.

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