Zitat von Christopher Adams <adam...@gmail.com>:

Hello all,

I had Postfix 2.3 installed on CentOS 5.5. I had Postfix running, but
wasn't able to send mail through it. I recompiled and upgraded to
2.8.2. I have verified that Postfix is running, port 25 is open, and I
have net connectivity. However, I can't send mail.

root      4551  0.0  0.2  54172  2272 ?        Ss   22:59   0:00
postfix   5699  0.0  0.2  54248  2224 ?        S    23:39   0:00
pickup -l -t fifo -u
postfix   5804  0.0  0.2  55208  2272 ?        S    23:43   0:00 qmgr
-l -t fifo -u

The maillog shows just this, from the startup:

May  3 23:38:58 localhost postfix/postfix-script[5667]: refreshing the
Postfix mail system
May  3 23:38:58 localhost postfix/master[4551]: reload -- version
2.8.2, configuration /etc/postfix

I have checked some of the troubleshooting tips mentioned in the docs
and see that the accepted protocol is to generate data from postconf
-d. I will do that if needed, but I just wanted to check to see what
steps I should take next.

How do you try to send mail?
Local submission eg. invoking "sendmail"
With a mailclient across the network

My bet would be inet_interfaces=localhost ...



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